I bet you thought I didn't have any friends…well I do, so ppbbtth :P anyways, some of these people I have known for 4 years, some a little less. I'll try to give some information, and they are in -no- particular order, just as I get the link, or remember the address. Once again, if you want to be a member of my fanclub..er, have a page on my links, send me EMAIL.


DAVE "never on-time" Cameron : My bestest friend who is still stuck in Macon. I've known him since I was a freshman in college. I think is webpage is still HERE.


ASIM "I wanna be rich" AWAN: I've known him for two years and is my other best friend. He's headed off to some gradschool to get rich…Click HERE.


 SURGE (also known as Surgio): I've known him for a bit..a real sweet guy. He says he's single, cute and well..talented : ) Click HERE.


TJ "TdoGGiE" MIHALEK: Tdog is a real sweetheart..he's famous for his bar crawls, his good looks and stunning charm ;) click HERE.


 Eros, also known as MrRight, lives in California, and he's the bomb baby bomb. If you want sweet, thoughful and romantic, click HERE.


Xenophon -- well, he's pretty indescribable…you'd have to meet him to know what I mean. He's from Kentucky and his webpage is HERE.


 Hoolio, he's a nice guy. He says I should mention something about my undying love for him..i dunno what he's talking about : P click HERE.


Yoodle says he's another drunk guy from Pitt.He's a friend of Tdog's. His name's Jim, and he's soooo nice : ) click HERE for his webpage.


BaleFire is from Vermont and he does lighting and stuff for concerts..how cool is that?! He's also sweet and single..WOO. his page is HERE.


TheKnightHawk is just cool.. 'nuff said. likes all the right stuff to read, intelligent -and- fun to talk to..that webpage is HERE.


Cueball is one of my newest net.friend types..he has a great sense of humor. He says he's bald and dorky. His webpage is HERE.


Flickering is another new net.friend..he's a staffer at Resort (but I don't hold it against him :P Him's nice..helped wif my webpage :) His page is HERE.


Kip…what to say about him…He's always logged on, he's always talking to friends and he's even nice and shtuff…his webpage is HERE.


XTC is just a hottie.. he has a pic up HERE. Webpage is coming soon. He's hungarian, and he's so great to talk to. Ask him about Mustard : )


Redspy is one of those kinda guys you just wanna grab up and snuggle. He's funny and sweet too. Check out his webpage HERE.


Littlecat is one of my late night talking buddies, he's always funny, charming and usually flirty :P You can see his webpage HERE.

FishmOOse is your typical Aussie guy..he was mad cos he didn't have a spot, but he's still me friend..so i had to add his webpage HERE.

Cheryl 'Kyra is a vixen' Duffy is like my sister, except she's my cousin. She taught me all about cheating at 'go fish' and all about boyz. She's one of my most favoritest people in the world and her webpage is HERE.